Learn to live from the inside out 

No more

masking anxiety! 

People with high-functioning anxiety (HFA) often appear competent and accomplished on the outside, but internally, it’s a very different story while battling self-doubt and a fear of failure internally.

HFA is rooted in fear – the fear of others seeing the ‘real’ us – and can lead to a cycle of overworking, overthinking, and self- criticism.


Vex King 

Mo Gawdat 

Sabrina Zohar 

Simran Kaur 

This transformational book helps break the toxic cycle of

high-functioning anxiety for good.

Do you relate? 

Do you often find yourself prioritising other people's needs over your own, even at the expense of your well-being?
Are you someone who constantly seeks perfection in your work, relationships, or personal endeavours, often feeling dissatisfied with anything less than perfect?
Do you struggle to assert your boundaries and find it challenging to say no, even when you're overwhelmed or stretched too thin?
Do you experience intense anxiety or fear when faced with the possibility of failure, to the point where it holds you back from taking risks or pursuing your goals?
Are you prone to overthinking situations, replaying scenarios in your mind, and dwelling on past mistakes or future uncertainties, which often leads to increased stress and anxiety?

"A must read lifeline"

@Vex King  

My new book weaves together scientific research with practical exercises and case studies, offering a five-step plan that will radically shift how you see yourself.

Here’s A “Sneak Peek” At What You’ll Discover In The Book:

  • Unlearn Patterns from Childhood Trauma: Explore past childhood trauma to identify and unlearn patterns that once kept you safe but now hinder your growth and well-being.

  • Embrace Sensitivity: Embrace your sensitivity as a strength rather than a weakness, recognising its value in understanding yourself and others on a deeper level.

  • Learn Your Needs and Implement Boundaries: Take the time to understand your needs and preferences, and establish healthy boundaries to protect your well-being and honour your values.

  • Regulate Nervous System: Practice techniques to regulate your nervous system, such as mindfulness, deep breathing, and grounding exercises, to manage stress and anxiety effectively.

  • Step into Your True Authentic Self: Embrace your true authentic self by letting go of societal expectations and embracing your unique qualities, passions, and aspirations without fear of judgment or rejection.

  • Practice Mindfulness and Presence: Step into learning how to become more mindful and present in your daily life, allowing you to stay grounded in the present moment and reduce the impact of anxious thoughts about the future or past.

  • Pursue Meaning and Purpose: Explore and pursue activities, relationships, and goals that align with your values and bring a sense of meaning and purpose to your life, contributing to overall fulfillment and well-being.

Bonus Gifts

-as a thank you :) 

As a huge thank you for your support. 

Unlock the full potential of your journey towards inner peace and empowerment with our exclusive bonus package designed to complement your experience with "High Functioning Anxiety." Dive deeper into your self-discovery and personal growth with these invaluable resources:

  1. Free 5-Part Guided Meditation Series: Immerse yourself in the soothing guidance of my expert-led meditation sessions, carefully crafted to help you find calm, clarity, and resilience amidst life's challenges. I have chosen specific topics that include: letting go, inner strength, self compassion, clarity and inner trust and relaxation. 
  2. 5-Part Video Series: Enhance your understanding and application of each chapter's key insights with my comprehensive video series. Dive into each topic with clarity and depth, gaining practical strategies and actionable steps to thrive with high functioning anxiety.
  3. End-of-Day Reflection Guide: Say goodbye to traditional "reflection" and hello to my tailored end-of-day exploration. Unwind and integrate your day with thought-provoking questions and prompts designed to foster self-awareness, growth, and resilience.
  4. Anxiety Trigger Journal: Gain insight into your personal triggers and patterns with our trigger sheet. Identify potential sources of anxiety and develop strategies to navigate them with confidence and ease.

After ordering the book, kindly send an email to hello@drlalitaa.com

with the subject line "Bonus" along with a copy of your order.

*Don't forget your Bonus GIFTS 

Email hello@drlalitaa.com to receive them. 

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